For International Women’s Day, explore the theme of ‘Women as Peacemakers’ by (Re)Making your own Peace. From 4pm until 10pm, The Penthouse will be open for you to come along and look at what destroys your peace, then reimagine, redefine and re-build it using word, image, sound and the senses!

You are free to drop in and join in with any or all of the participatory arts events, or just come along and spend the day with us. There will be a donations bar and refreshments and plenty of food for thought! 

All events are open to people of all abilities, from those with no collage, writing or sound experience to artists writers and musicians.

No age or gender restrictions. Everybody welcome. Drinks & refreshments available.

All drop in workshops are free with a £3 suggested donation for the day. A Packet of Crisps and a Bottle of Coke sensory walk and workshop is £5 (£4 unwaged) with some free bursaries from The Penthouse Booking suggested- email:


(Re)define and (re)explore the female image with a mass collaborative collage in The Penthouse corridor, as well as making alternative page 3s and feminist zines! Looking at women’s representation in the media, women’s history, body image and much more. Collage materials provided, but you’re also welcome to bring your own. 4-8pm 

(coordinated by Anne Louise Kershaw, freelance curator, writer and campaigner for No More Page 3)


Make and (re)make your own sounds with objects you see or use everyday, with open drop-in workshops of continuous sound making with found objects. People are invited to bring their own objects of interest. 4-8pm
The open workshop will conclude with a performance by Rosanne Robertson inspired by the day’s activities. 9pm

(coordinated by Rosanne Robertson, an artist working with objects, action and sound. The (Re)making Peace workshops explore a part of Robertson’s practice celebrating the disruption of the everyday.) 


Create and celebrate women’s words and stories, and (re)write your own with the Wild Words installation, plus book-swapping and collage-making. Bring your old or unwanted books by women writers to exchange for others, and get ready to add a library’s worth of incredible books by incredible women to your to-read lists. 5-8pm

(coordinated by For Books’ Sake - the UK webzine, community and publishing imprint dedicated to promoting writing by women)


As part of (Re)Making Peace artist Debbie Sharp will be delivering a brief project introduction, a sensory walk and a workshop as part of her project “a packet of crisps and a bottle of coke”. This project explores women and fear and stems from an encounter with a victim of The Yorkshire Ripper when she was a child. With this project Debbie Sharp looks back at the sights and sounds that shaped the landscape of the time whilst looking at her own personal fear and the fact that women still have to fight for safe streets today. 

Project Introduction at The Penthouse 6pm
Sensory Walk around selected city centre streets 6.20pm
Workshop/Discussion back at The Penthouse 7pm-8pm 
£5 (£4) with a limited number of free bursaries- enquire and book via

Throughout the day you are invited to re-define, re-explore, re-write and re-work that which destroys your peace. 
(Re)Making Peace.

Facebook Event page-

The Penthouse is a art studio and project space based in Manchester city centre ran by artists Debbie Sharp and Rosanne Robertson. 

All donations go to running not for profit events sharing new art and projects at The Penthouse. 

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