
Current Artist in Residence: 

Florian Fusco

+ In Between State

+ Legitimate Sculptures

Florian Fusco ^^ Generic Wrongness

Debbie Sharp ^^ In Between State

Rosanne Robertson + Gary Fisher + Kate Armitage (Legitimate Sculptures) ^^

Past Residents:

Gary Fisher

Louise Woodcock + Rosanne Robertson 

Sam Andreae + David Birchall

James Watts

James Watts was invited for a Noise Above Noise residency during which he explored his ideas related to semi improvised territories, forgotten ceremony, ritual and relationships between sculpture, voice and performance. 

“I plan to investigate the union of sculpture and sound through performance. Utilising the voice to activate sounding objects within the space, combining the notion of ritual and artefact with sculpture and concert, I allow the sculptures to take on their own vitae and participate in the live ceremony. Archaic sounds are channeled through electrical circuits into forms that in turn resonate back their own primitive voice.

I will construct resonant sculptural forms that are activate through basic circuitry through a central sound source. These objects will resonate or reverberate the sounds sent to them and act as conduits that modulate the original source, forming a form of accompanying choir that will spread the sound through the space as well as functioning as ‘active’ artefacts.”

To find out more about James Watts’ work see his website


Past Residents: 

tapes, screaks, muzak, magick…

2 Koi Karp in Residence at The Penthouse.

11 November - January 2014  With Open studio in December. 

2 Koi Karp performed during their open studio as part of  NOISE ABOVE NOISE _TWO  28 Nov 7-11pm 

2 Koi Karp create a conflict of sound using noise/melody, analog/digital, beat/ambience using tapes, kids instruments, vocals and objects.


Neil Francis (ex-Gnod and recent addition to Terminal Cheesecake) and Louise Woodcock (AKAHer Majesty’s Pleasure, sound/visual artist and member of Poppycock with Una Baines, ex-Womb) began in earnest early this year with the acquisition of The Basement Room space in central Manchester. Woodcock is also one half of installation/performance duoWoodcock&Grundstrom; regular artists-in-residence at queer monthly party event Bollox.

2 Koi Karp made their public debut at an artists’ residency in Ibiza in May 2013 with Islington Millat a Video Jam event. The duo are now Associated Artists of Video Jam and have created live scores to films by Cheryl (NYC art/party collective) and by Louise Woodcock, and are soon to perform at the Title Art Prize at Blankspace.

2 KOI KARP describe The Penthouse as a place that has informed and inspired their performances; opening up collaborative projects such as Noise Above Noise;The Queer Art Show inspired new performative possibilities, using more concrete sounds and ‘wearing’ sound makers. 2 Koi Karp also recently represented The Penthouse at Sluice Art Fair, Bermondsey, London.

During their residency 2 KOI KARP will be exploring new audio/visual/performative ideas and turning their residency room into an immersive art work. 

We love 2 KOI KARP - they work tirelessly as artists pushing at what can be achieved and doing it with complete passion and direct powerful expression- because they have to. The Penthouse thrives off their energy and full on unapologetic creativity- inviting them to do a residency was a no brainer. 

During 2 Koi Karp’s residency The Penthouse will be open by appointment - please email if planning to visit.




Holly Rowan Hesson   2 Sept- 14 Oct 2013

As part of From The Rooftops, our residency program at The Penthouse, we are excited to welcome artist Holly Rowan Hesson as our next artist in residence. One of our residencies are especially offered to a recent graduate who we believe would benefit from time and space dedicated to making new work post graduation. Holly recently graduated with distinction from MA Contemporary Fine Art at the University of Salford and was selected for the residency based on her graduation exhibition Only forward?’. 

For Only Forward? Holly used her graduation exhibition to carry out her own end of course residency occupying a large empty city centre office/retail unit. Holly demonstrated an intelligent use of space and efficient decision making and editing. The risk of responding to this specific time and space without a definite ‘show’ in mind for the end point, for us, paid off well. What was offered was both an end point and a starting point, a crucial moment in time. We are excited by Holly’s approach and believe it will flourish well paired with the experimental interests of The Penthouse.

Holly will be using the residency to explore her interests in site specific approaches to developing, making and showing work that starts with a camera and grows and becomes ever more layered over time.

For all information about Holly including slideshows of the previously mentioned Only Forward? please visit Holly’s website.

Portfolio, website, blog: 

Holly will be opening up her studio at the end of her residency 10-14 Oct.

The Penthouse is open by appointment unless otherwise stated on our events page. 

All residency details will be updated via the residency page

From The Rooftops is supported by Arts Council England


Top- See here (see) and See here (here) courtesy of artist’s website. 


Is it me? and Is it? courtesy of artist’s website.

Olivia Glasser | Suite 2, Corridor project space | 10 July- 21 August

Based in Manchester, Olivia graduated from BA Interactive Arts at Manchester School of Art in 2010. Since, she has worked as Assistant Curator at Nida Art Colony, Lithuania, received a film commission from Castlefield Gallery for, exhibited at galleries from Chinese Arts Centre, Manchester to the Hangar, Barcelona and recently completed a research residency at Lionel Dobie Project. 

“Investigating lifestyle choices of the artist / curator and the city / countryside’s influence on this, my current work is a series of experiments in and around this, often working collaboratively. Playing with action, aesthetics and use of the city as a member of a new DIY dance group, we will be using the Penthouse as a dance studio and base.

Hosting 2 film screenings, I hope to continue with a method I have accidentally / informally arrived at in my practice, of anchoring research and thoughts in new directions once reframed by a given piece of work, in this case a shared film, accompanied by sunset views courtesy of Manchester’s skyline and the Penthouse’s corridor. “


Sunday 21st July 9pm

Olivia presented Slacker, a 1991 American independent comedy-drama film written and directed by Richard Linklater.

Sunday 4th August 9pm

Olivia presented Deep Water. Part adventure yarn and part metaphysical mystery, Deep Water is the true story of the first solo, non-stop, round-the-world boat race, and the psychological toll it took on its competitors. 

Wednesday 21st August 

Olivia will host an open studio event from 6pm playing with action, aesthetics and use of the city as a member of a new DIY dance group following using the Penthouse as a dance studio and base.

Join us as part of Olivia Glasser’s residency.

Events are free with an optional suggested donation.

From the Rooftops is supported by Arts Council England. 

Website events page

Facebook event page


